Securing your booking

To secure your Retro Mini Hire booking, we require full payment or 50% deposit in the case of a wedding booking.

Retro Mini Hire will issue an invoice for your booking which can be paid via Paypal or Bank Transfer. The payment details are on the invoice but can also be requested from

The payment is non-refundable, however your booking can be moved to an alternative date or used as a credit voucher/gift card if your circumstances change.

Collection of Vehicle

We have 2 car collection points, Trentham Shopping Village in Staffordshire or our Ashbourne office, unless stated otherwise. On collection of the vehicle from the collection point, you will be required to present your booking confirmation together with a full driving license from your country of origin and a valid credit card in the name of the person listed as the main driver containing sufficient available funds to cover the excess on the insurance policy related to the car hire.

In the event of failure to present the required documents and/or credit card, Retro Mini Hire may refuse rental of the vehicle.

Deposit Policy

When you arrive at the car rental collection location, you will be asked to leave a deposit for your rental. The deposit amount of £1,400 will be blocked (not debited) on your payment card at pick-up time.

The deposit will be used to settle any damages and additional charges you may incur whilst renting the vehicle from us (including fuel missing on return, misfueling, unnotified lateness, fines-mileage, parking charges, one-way charge, etc.)

If when the car is returned we do not feel comfortable with the return condition we will hold the deposit up to 14 days after the hire has ended.

Driver of the Vehicle

The individual who has agreed with Retro Mini Hire to be the driver of the vehicle will be sent a drivers form prior to the hire which will gather the relevant data.Once all the requested data has been received and matches our criteria together with being over the age of 25 and under the age of 75 and has less than 6 points on the driving license, the driver will qualify to drive the vehicle. Each booking has the opportunity to add additional drivers to their hire period. 
The same process of filling out a drivers form will be needed to be completed by each additional driver. To work in line with our insurance policy, we had a dash cam forward and rear facing so if there is evidence that there has been an unverified driver of the vehicle, There will be a £100 fine taken from the held deposit.

Return of Vehicle

Returning of the vehicle should be to back to the same point of collection unless stated otherwise. This must be at the agreed time which will be the end of the hire contract. If you feel you will be running late, please see the ‘Late Return’ section.


You are responsible for any fuel you use during the Hire Period and for returning the Vehicle to us with a full tank of E5 super/premium unleaded petrol.

If the vehicle is not refilled with a full tank on return then we will charge you a refueling surcharge of £40. If the wrong fuel is put into the vehicle there will be a fee of £100.

The Vehicle’s fuel gauge should show the tank being full on return, your fuel receipt will be required to show this.

Charges and Fees

We may charge you for various services that we will carry out as a result of incidents that may occur during the Hire Period and/or as a result of how you, or any additional/other driver you are responsible for.

Fees and Penalties

You are responsible for and will pay all charges arising from speeding, parking charges or any other offenses.
A breach of any parking restrictions or a road traffic offense or any other offense or infringement involving the Vehicle such as (but not limited to) lane infringement, tunnel, turning and bus lane charges including the costs from the Vehicle being clamped, seized or towed away and any other charges/costs (or failure to pay them) levied by an issuing body.

Retro Mini Hire will inform the driver of the driving offense. The fine will be forwarded onto the driver with a responsibility of them to pay for it within the time period set by the issuing body.

If Retro Mini Hire are informed of the driving offense while the deposit is still held, Retro Mini Hire will pay the penalty from that deposit amount.

If we receive a penalty charge notice or a parking charge notice that is issued by any issuing body for the Vehicle during your Hire Period and which is capable of being paid then we may pay it to mitigate the cost. Where we, at our discretion and for whatever reason, choose to pay such charges you will reimburse us the said charge plus our Third Party Administration Charge (for each charge we pay or each time we deal with such correspondence).

If we do pay it then we will take the following actions:

– we will give you notice that we have paid

– the penalty and supply an invoice for the cost of the penalty plus our Third Party Administration Charge; and we will tell you that we intend to take the money for the cost of the penalty and the Third Party Administration Charge from your credit/debit card within 7 days of the date of our notice to you unless you write to us with a legitimate reason why the fine or penalty should not have been paid.

If you do not contact us or you admit the validity of the fine or penalty then we will take the money from your credit/debit card following the date of our notice

If you do contact us with a legitimate reason as to why the fine or penalty should not be paid then we will put this to the issuing body.

If the issuing body refuses your appeal then we will confirm this to you and then take the money for the cost of the penalty and the Third Party Administration Charge from your credit/debit card. If the issuing body allows the appeal and both rescinds the fine or penalty and confirms to us that the original charge did not apply in any event, then we will not take any money from your credit/debit card.

Unless the Vehicle has been reported stolen or is being driven by a Referred Driver, you are and will remain primarily liable for such charges (regardless of who was driving the Vehicle) and you consent to us notifying such organisations of your personal details to effect a transfer of liability.

If we are required to deal with such correspondence, make payments or otherwise liaise with any such issuing bodies we will charge your credit/debit card with our Third Party Administration Charge.

You agree that you are responsible for the payment of all charges and fees detailed in this agreement.. If you fail to make a payment to us when it is due, and you still do not make payment with a minimum of 2 days of us reminding you that payment is due then we reserve the right to take payment from the credit card issued at the time of booking/collection of the car.


If the vehicle has been driven responsibly but during your rental breaks down and the driver isn’t able to restart the car, please call Bex on 07720 876250. We will then assess the situation and may contact the breakdown service to come to retrieve you and possibly the vehicle also.

If this occurs before the half way point of your hire, your booking can be rescheduled or you can request a refund.

Charges for Damage Suffered by the Vehicle

Lost or stolen or damaged keys (whether or not you are at fault for the loss, theft or damage) the cost of replacing the keys plus the Light Damage Administration Charge.

Refueling surcharge compensation for our loss if you do not return the Vehicle to us with a full tank of fuel. Charge amounts can be viewed on the Retro Mini Hire charges list of which can be asked to be viewed at any point.

What should I pay attention to when I collect the vehicle?

When you pick up the Vehicle from us you will be asked to sign a section on the Rental Agreement that describes the Vehicle’s condition at that particular time. Before you sign the Rental Agreement you should:

inspect the Vehicle and any accessories for any pre- existing damage; and check how much fuel is in the vehicle’s tank.
If you notice any apparent defect or damage that is not described on the Rental Agreement then you should ensure a note is made on the Rental Agreement and that we both sign the change to it.

If you don’t notify us of any pre-existing defect or damage then we will assume that you have accepted the Vehicle and any accessories in the condition set out on the Rental Agreement and we will charge you for any new damage that is discovered when the Vehicle and any accessories are inspected by both parties when you return the Vehicle.

Familiarize yourself with the Vehicle before driving it on the public highway. Make sure you know where the controls are for essential instruments such as headlights, indicators, hazard warning lights, where the parking brake is situated (and how it is released and applied) and what type of fuel the Vehicle uses.

For further information check the glove box for the Vehicle Instruction Card.

What will happen when I return the vehicle?

You should return the Vehicle to the same location as the collection point, unless otherwise stated.
If we are to collect the Vehicle and keys from you, it must be parked in a suitable place to allow collection at any time up to a period of 8 working hours from the end of the Hire Period.

If, when you return the Vehicle to us (or when we come to collect it from you), we discover that it is empty but, in our reasonable opinion, has been used to carry raw or hazardous waste or it still contains such raw or hazardous waste then we will not accept its return. Instead the Vehicle will remain on rent to you; and you will be required to dispose of all such raw or hazardous waste

materials and to clean the Vehicle to a reasonable standard of cleanliness and in any event, to ensure it poses no danger to Retro Mini Hire staff or any future customers.

Once the Vehicle has been cleaned and returned to us, we (meaning you and us) will make a full inspection of the Vehicle.

If, in our reasonable opinion, the Vehicle is in an acceptable condition then we will accept its return and the rental charges will cease;

If, however, we believe the Vehicle requires a further valet or specialist cleaning attention then you will be charged our reasonable costs in accordance with the charges set out by Retro Mini Hire.

Personal Property

We are not responsible for any loss of, or damage to, any personal belongings placed in or on the Vehicle which will at all times be your responsibility. You must not leave any personal belongings in or on the Vehicle when you return it to us (you are responsible for checking and removing your personal belongings from the Vehicle). Any personal belongings left in or on the Vehicle which remain unclaimed 1 month after the end of the Hire Period will be disposed of.

Late Return

If you see traffic ahead or know that you could possibly be late on returning the vehicle, then it is your responsibility to let Retro Mini Hire know by calling (07720876250).

This will enable us to provide you with a grace period of 30 minutes after the expiry time and date of the Hire Period shown on the Rental Agreement in which to return the Vehicle to us.

If you fail to let us know of your lateness or delay then a fee of £100 will be charged to the driver.

If you fail to return the vehicle on time, and you have not contacted Retro Mini Hire to extend the Hire Period and if then we do not hear from you for a period of 24 hours concerning the delay in its return we will regard the Vehicle as having been stolen and will report this to the police. We will take all lawful means to recover the Vehicle (which may include repossessing it or applying for a Court Order requiring you to return it and/or pay us an amount equal to the Vehicle’s market value). If we have to take such steps then:

– you give us permission (and cannot withdraw it) to access your premises for the purposes of repossessing the Vehicle so long as we do not use unreasonable force or cause damage; and

– you must pay the charges and fees set out by Retro Mini Hire plus our reasonable legal and professional costs.

Damages to the Vehicle

You are obliged to return your Vehicle and its keys, accessories, or documentation to us in the same condition as they were at check out, subject to any fair wear and tear.

Our vehicle is a working asset and you will be liable to pay the damage charges, regardless of whether the damage was caused by you or a third party (including a third party with whom you have had an accident or a Government, authority or organisation whether in or outside the UK which has seized the Vehicle and/or its keys, accessories, or documentation).
Damage identified upon the return of the Vehicle and in your presence:

If Light Damage is identified upon the return of the Vehicle when the inspection is made in your presence and in the presence of our agent or its representative and if you acknowledge the damage by signing the statement of return of the Vehicle, we will provide you with an invoice detailing the applicable charges and, to the extent that the charges can be determined at the vehicle return, will charge the debit or credit card you supplied to us at the time of pick-up with either:

If you contest the damage and/or the invoice or if you refuse to sign the statement of return for the Vehicle of if, for whatever reason, the charge cannot be determined at the time of return (for example, where there is no price for the specific damage in the Light Damage Charges Schedule) then we will send you the documents and you have the option to pay for the damage within 7 days. If the payment is not made we have the right to pay for the damage using the credit card you provided at the time of booking/collection.

Damage identified upon the return of the Vehicle and in your absence:

If damage is identified during the inspection of the Vehicle by us in your absence we will send to you the following documents by email or by post:

– the statement of return for the Vehicle detailing all the damage we identified;

– Photos of the damage and an invoice detailing the applicable charges

– Querying the damage charges

where a repair or part replacement inevitably puts the Vehicle into a better condition than it was at the start of the Hire Period, the amount for which you are liable to us will not be reduced to reflect the new for old replacement and/or the pre-existing condition of the Vehicle.

Tyre Replacement or Repair

Any damage to a tyre which requires us to replace the tyre on the Vehicle with a new tyre is classified as a ‘Tyre Replacement’. If a Vehicle’s tyre is punctured and is capable of being repaired then it is classified as a ‘Tyre Repair’;

In relation to a Tyre Replacement or a Tyre Repair you will pay us the sum(s) for which we become liable to pay to our suppliers for: the Replacement Tyre or the Tyre Repair (whichever applies) and any associated supplementary charges that may apply if the vehicle is off the road for more than 24 hours.

Windscreen Replacement or Repair

Any damage to a windscreen which requires us to replace it with a new windscreen is classified as a ‘Windscreen Replacement’. If a Vehicle’s windscreen is chipped or is damaged but is capable of being repaired (this will depend on the severity of the damage) then it is classified as a ‘Windscreen Repair’ and deemed to be Light Damage.

You are to pay us the sum(s) for which we become liable to pay our suppliers for: the Replacement Windscreen and any associated supplementary charges that may apply if the vehicle is off the road for more than 24 hours.

Total Loss

Where we evaluate any damage caused to the Vehicle as being sufficiently serious that its repair would not be possible, or our Engineer determines it would be uneconomic or impractical to repair, we refer to this as ‘Total Loss’. In the event of a Total Loss, your excess would be used to cover the loss and you will pay us the sums that will be charged to recover in respect of the Vehicle when it is sold for salvage.

Damage to Third Parties

Unless, outside your Hire Period, your deposit will cover you for the cost of any damage you cause to another party, their property, the vehicle they are in and any and all uninsured losses that are otherwise incurred during the Hire Period.

What is expected of me regarding vehicle maintenance?

Throughout the Hire Period we will expect you to look after the Vehicle, the keys and any accessories against loss or damage (however that arises). If you fail to do so then you will be responsible to pay the sums for the loss or damage..

The Vehicle is provided to you with tyres in a condition and number that meets with the traffic- legislation requirements of the UK. In the event of damage to any one of the tyres (other than by ordinary wear and tear or latent defect), whilst we will immediately arrange to replace it, you will be liable to pay the sums set out in section 12 above.

What should i do in case of accident, mechanical breakdown or theft?

If a warning light appears on the dashboard or the Vehicle develops any fault during the Hire Period you or any other Driver must call the telephone number stated in the glove box. This is 07720876250

If the Vehicle breaks down or is involved in an accident/incident in the Territory during the Hire Period we will, as soon as possible, recover and repair the Vehicle so that it is rendered functional.

If the Vehicle cannot be repaired we will (where possible) provide you with an alternative date to rebook your hire at no extra cost.

Should we consider that the breakdown is caused by the negligence or deliberate misuse or if loss of or damage to the Vehicle arises as a result of a breach of the Contract by you and/or any Referred Driver or additional Driver and/or any unauthorised driver then you will be liable to pay the sums.

If you or any other Driver has an accident/incident you or that other Driver must firstly call Retro Mini Hire immediately on 07720876250.

Please then obtain and notify us of the names and addresses of all involved, including witnesses;

make the Vehicle secure and tell the police straight away if anyone is injured or the road is blocked or if any property has been damaged; complete and return the accident report form that we will supply if required.

When shall I receive my invoice and pay for the rental?

You will receive an invoice for the hire prior to your collection of the car. This must be paid 48 hours before the rental begins. Any fees you incur will then be sent on a separate invoice after your hire.

If you have incurred extra costs such as fines or tolls or refuelling charges and/or surcharges or you have caused damage to and/or loss of the Vehicle and/or accessories then we will charge you at a later date for such costs together with any Third Party Administration Charges if, after the Hire Period has terminated, and we become aware of them.

If you have incurred extra costs such as fines or tolls or refueling charges and/or surcharges or you have caused damage to and/or loss of the Vehicle and/or accessories then we will charge you at a later date for such costs together with any Third Party Administration Charges if, after the Hire Period has terminated, and we become aware of them.

What if i want to cancel or modify my booking?

You can modify your booking free of charge provided you let us know at least 48 hours before the Hire Period is due.
Please be aware that date changes and other adjustments to a booking can be made 48 before the hire period, however, if a cancellation is requested, the amount paid for your hire will be non-refundable.

Late Cancellation & No Show

You can change your rental free of charge provided that you have given us at least 48 hours’ notice before the Hire Period is due to start. Cancellations will result in your payment being non-refundable.

Wherever possible you should use the same communication channel to cancel your rental as you used when booking the Vehicle.

If you do not show up at the agreed collection location point at the agreed time, with no communication given to Retro Mini Hire 24 hours prior with a reason for your absence, Retro Mini Hire will not reschedule to booking but instead cancel the booking together with any future booking and not refund any amount already paid.

What if i want to extend my hire period?

In case you want to extend the Hire Period shown on your Rental Agreement you must contact us at least 2 working hours before the end of the Hire Period or any previously agreed extension.

This should be emailed to and if we agree to extend the Hire Period you must pay the extra costs before the extended hire starts.

What happens if Retro Mini Hire cannot proceed with the booking?

Classic cars are unreliable which can result in a quick change of plan.

If we are having problems with the hire vehicle and deem the car as unfit for rental we will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases this can be just a few hours before your booked hire is scheduled to begin. In this case we will let you know immediately and reschedule your bookings to another date.

In the case of a wedding or event booking, we will do our best to provide an alternative in the limited time available. If this is not possible, we will refund the full amount to you.

Animal Policy

We do not allow any animals to be transported in our Vehicles.

If animals are transported in the hire vehicle, charges will apply from the Retro Mini Hire charges list which can be asked to be viewed at any time

Ending the Rental Agreement Early

If you breach the Contract, we reserve the right to cancel the contract and require the immediate return of the Vehicle.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Failing to make a payment or a payment fails to clear;

If we believe you are no longer in possession or control of the Vehicle or its keys;

If you have incurred successive penalties such as, but not limited to, parking, congestion or bus lane fines;

The Vehicle is involved in an accident and it is appropriate to end the hire or you have failed to cooperate with the insurer or their appointed claims handler;

The Vehicle has been deliberately or recklessly damaged by yourself or a third party, other than as the result of a genuine accident;

We have grounds to believe the Vehicle is at risk.

Should you fail to return the Vehicle when requested, we will treat it as stolen and initiate our Vehicle recovery process which will include reporting the matter to the police. We will take all lawful means to recover the Vehicle (which may include repossessing it or applying for a Court Order requiring you to return it and/or pay us an amount equal to the Vehicle’s market value).

If we have to take such steps then:

you give us permission (and cannot withdraw it) to access your premises for the purposes of repossessing the Vehicle so long as we do not use unreasonable force or cause damage; and you must pay the charges and fees set out in the Retro Mini Hire charges guide plus our reasonable legal and professional costs (to the extent not covered by the Tariff Guide).

If you are a consumer we may end the Contract immediately if we discover that any of your belongings have been taken away from you to pay off your debts, or a receiving order has been made against you or steps have been taken to make you bankrupt or for you to enter into an individual voluntary arrangement.

If you are a company we may end the Contract immediately if you go into any form of insolvency or you call a meeting of creditors or we discover that any of your goods have been taken away from you to pay off your debts or receive adverse information or fraudulent financial information.


If the Contract ends it will not affect our rights under the Contract including the right to receive and/or claim any amounts which you owe to us under the Contract.

If you end the Contract after the Vehicle is delivered to you, you must return the Vehicle to us. If you are ending the Contract because we have told you of an error or change in pricing or description or because you are exercising your legal rights to end the Contract because of something we have done wrong then we will pay the costs of return.

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